Freedom and Whiskey About Us

We are tired of hiding.

Freedom & WhiskeyTM ignited from a wellspring of frustration. Throughout my formative years, I found myself seated in classrooms, subjected to discussions on politics. The discourse often revolved around the dichotomy between Republicans and Democrats, with a heavy emphasis on the perceived misdeeds of Republicans. I remained tight-lipped, avoiding eye contact, fully aware of the potential backlash that would ensue if I dared to reveal my family’s Republican affiliation or my own budding interest in the party. The prospect of being shunned, mocked, and ostracized by peers and even educators, including the one responsible for grading my essays, was a daunting prospect that stifled any inclination to speak out.

Despite the newfound freedom that came with college life, the fear of expressing my political views lingered. Among friends and mentors, the prevailing narrative often vilified Republicans, compelling me to keep my thoughts to myself. Yet, internally, I grappled with the realization that the disparagement directed at Republicans was, in essence, an indictment of my own beliefs and values. Despite my reputation as a kind-hearted individual, a reliable friend, and an ardent researcher — someone who approached political decisions with the same rigor as preparing for college exams — I felt unfairly judged solely on my political leanings.

A hiatus from academia led me on a transformative backpacking journey, where I encountered individuals who championed independent thought, compassion, and the rejection of societal norms. It was during this period of self-discovery that I delved deeper into political research, culminating in my inaugural vote for Trump upon my return.

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic initially instilled fear and uncertainty. Like many, I sought refuge indoors, glued to news updates, and inundated with anxiety. However, my innate curiosity and penchant for research compelled me to scrutinize the prevailing narrative. I questioned the validity of reported hospitalizations, scrutinized the efficacy of vaccines, and ultimately embraced natural immunity. Despite facing backlash and ostracization for my stance, I remained resolute in my convictions.

The contentious 2020 election served as a catalyst for profound introspection. Witnessing what I perceived as the erosion of the America I held dear propelled me to delve deeper into the intricacies of election fraud, scrutinize events such as January 6th, and dissect the agendas of groups like Antifa and BLM.

Identifying as a closeted Republican, I sought solace in creative expression, channeling my frustrations into designing T-shirts. Yet, my discontent grew as I observed the lackluster designs and the pervasive mockery aimed at Republicans. Determined to effect change, I embarked on the creation of “Freedom & WhiskeyTM,” drawing inspiration from an ancient Scottish tale that symbolized the symbiotic relationship between freedom and indulgence.

As we raise our glasses to America and to each other, let us not forget the valor it takes to voice our opinions. Welcome to Freedom & WhiskeyTM, where truth, style, and patriotism intertwine. Cheers to the courage to stand tall.

Share our site with others so we can spread the message that Freedom is #1. Whiskey, a close second.