Out of the Closet Republican Episode 2:
No Tax on Tips, Trump Musk Crossover, Hackers, Immigration Uh Ohs, and Crickets

Mainstream Media Attacks
Elon Musk & Trump Crossover

What did Kamala say?

Kamala is the tie breaking vote that gave the IRS more money to start a service worker tip tax reporting program


Trump v Kamala No Tax on Tips

Trump has been campaigning on No Tax on Tips for months.
Kamala can't pronounce hospitality.

Kamala Ditches her Press Pool

TikTok Influencer tells her viewers that the Democratic Party reached out to her to make a paid video for them but she had to sign an nda.


Libs tell Interviewer they'd rather nuke America than Vote for Trump

Illegal Immigration Uh Ohs

Mayor Adams of NYC said the illegal immigrants just need extracuricular activities so crime goes down.

American families are kicked out of Apartment complex in Aurora Colorado due to Venezuelan gangs taking over.

City claims: It's just rats.


Acheta? What's That?

More companies are using Acheta in their ingredient lists.

Well, acheta is cricket.

Cleveland Clinic says Acheta is good for you.

But some say crickets have a lot of arsenic in them as well as cadmium which is toxic to humans.


Hackers find Vulnerabilities in Voting Machines

But there's not enough time to fix it.


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